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Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Manflesh 

Manflesh is one of my favourite artists and I can't resist giving him a more extended review than usual. He draws the most delicious, hunky men in capture and kidnap situations where they are tormented and abused, physically and sexually.


Check out Mitch men tribute the Manflesh and other great fetish artists 




Source of the text and manflesh images posted by Hayden for his part 2 of Hayden's wheels of sisyphus. Hayden's text was used as a basis, for for new manflesh version, of Hayden's wheels of sisiyphus. The aqua dude site also contains more examples of manflesh artwork. Also many other great gay artists. 


Manflesh artwork and comic book page on word press 


Posts of Manflesh artwork and comic book examples on Manflesh word press  


Daddy's Personal Erotic Web Site


The Toon Art of Manflesh 

Daddy's tribute to Manflesh art work 


Manflesh comic book covers and image galleries on Image fap  a good way to  see what Manflesh comic books are available from battle annals. It also features  a gallery of Manflesh comic book covers and artwork from the Barrett Cole site




There is a new male ball busting storybooks extracts blog 'battle annals ball stories extracts' blog
read extracts from the male on male and female on male ball busting storybooks available here, on the new blog 



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1. Ball busting recollections. Dave and older devotee of ball busting and cbt recalls his early adventures in ball busting with a younger brothers friend. he recounts the ball busting fighting games they used to play where he normally came off the worst getting his balls hurt as it always turned him on. The fighting games progressed to ball busting chance games with the loser usually Dave taking the majority of ball abuse. finally handicapped games fighting ball whacking games whitout a slipper blindfold or stripped to his underpants sometimes all three. tough, ball busting abuse by a younger teenager on and older teenage boy, great male on male ball busting action. 4.00



Story extract available to read, on the battle annals ball busting stories extracts blog, link at the top of the page.





















2. Apprentice ball buster book 1 first bustings. James a twenty-eight year old electrician introduces his new apprentice Gary to the delights of ball busting after Gary confessed he enjoyed gut punching games with another apprentice. James busts Gary many times on the first day, but Gary got his own back in the end catching James off guard, as they changed to go home. The next day the roles were reversed and Gary busted James many times. Then they were ambushed by two fitters and their apprentice. Both James and Gary were busted by Nathan the fitters apprentice. then while the fitters held James arms behind his back Nathan gave James’s balls a real work over with a steel ball hammer.

Gary and James get their revenge on Nathan and Gary used the same ball hammer on Nathan’s balls. James won the day by busting Gary till he admitted defeat. Exciting male on male ball busting and torture. 4.00.


Story extract available to read, on the battle annals ball busting stories extracts blog, link at the top of the page.





















3. Busted with a rake handle. Mike and Darren teenage best friends and prolific ball busters want to bust each other with a rake handle, as they had seen on the benny hill show. Bobby Mike’s younger brother offered to help, as they wouldn't both be able to use the rake handle, on each other. Bobby used the rake handle on Mike and Darren’s balls and the pain was so intense they pass ed out. Bobby stripped them and left them naked in the garden.

Mike and Darren planned their revenge on Bobby and got him, later that night pounding his balls with a tennis ball until he passed out. They stripped him naked culminating in Bobby being caught outside naked by his female neighbour. However Bobby got the last laugh catching Darren and Mike unawares pounding their balls until the passed out.

Tough teenage male on male bull busting action 3.00


 Story extract available to read, on the battle annals ball busting stories extracts blog, link at the top of the page.



















4. Apprentice ball buster book 3 slipper games. James a twenty-eight year old electrician and his apprentice Gary indulge in some more ball busting activities. James introduced Gary to two new ball busting games using Gary’s old gym plimsolls. The first was ball busting endurance game which involved rolling the dice to see who rolled the highest number. The winner then gave the loser the sum of the two rolls, resulting in the number of whacks in the balls with a plimsoll. The object of the game was to make your opponent give up first. They played the game both taking numerous hard whacks in the balls. James does well at the start making Gary suffer but Gary managed a come back, to make James concede the game and even made him cum.

Their second game was ball busting fighting, both are armed with a plimsoll and have to whack each others balls until one of them surrendered. They had a long and painful ball whacking fight, again initially James takes control making Gary suffer but Gary managed to turn the tables on James and make him surrender. Gary while still a apprentice electrician, was no longer the apprentice ball buster. Exciting and a painful male on male ball busting action. 3.00




















5 The hard knocks club part 1. Set in the nineteen seventies four fifth year boys all keen ball busting and abuse fans formed a club for some ball busting fun, called the hard knocks club. The four boys, David Poulter, Richard Jarvis, Thomas Baker and Gary Richards were the four members of the hard knocks club. The use to come up with inventive ways and games of chance to abuse each others balls. All their ball busting fun sessions took place in the dinner break. As it was the last week before half term they tried to make each lunch time session better than the previous, to help them get through the week on no ball busting fun.

Their first session on the Monday, they use cards and a dice to see how many kicks in the balls the losers gets. On the Tuesday they came up with the idea of dropping a basket ball on the losers balls, again the losers being decided by the draw of cards and a roll of the dice, for the amount of times, they had the basket ball dropped, on their balls. On the Wednesday only David Poulter and Richard Jarvis took part, as Thomas Baker and Gary Richards where on their careers day. David Poulter and Richard Jarvis, played strip poker, the loser being knackered by the winner. Richard Jarvis won the game in the dinner break but when they played again after school David Poulter won. On the Thursday only Thomas Baker and Gary Richards took part, as David Poulter and Richard Jarvis, where on their careers day. They came up with a new game using a tennis racket, to hit the a tennis ball into each others balls. On Friday the last day of term, as with every friday they had double PE, before dinner and double games after dinner, so their was not enough time in the dinner break to have any ball busting fun.

They made up for it by having some ball busting fun in PE. During Pe, when rope climbing, by sending a loop of rope, whipping up between the climbers legs, to hit them in the balls. Also while playing crab football heeling and stomping each other between the legs. During games in the afternoon they bunked of a cross country run and had four ball squeezing or knackering fights to see who was the best or worse ball squeezer or knackerer. The hard knocks club was the boys favourite way to ball bust each other. Painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00





















6 The hard knocks club part 2. Set in the nineteen seventies four fifth year boys all keen ball busting and abuse fans formed a club for some ball busting fun called the hard knocks club. The four boys David Poulter, Richard Jarvis, Thomas Baker and Gary Richards were the four members of the hard knocks club. The loved coming up with inventive ways and games of chance to abuse each others balls. All their ball busting fun sessions take place in the dinner break. Half term was over and they are back at school and they were eager to try out the two new ball busting games, strip poker ball busting, created David Poulter and Richard Jarvis, and ball busting tennis created by Thomas Baker and Gary Richards.

They had a vote on the Monday morning to decide whether they would try strip poker ball busting, or tennis ball busting first. They chose tennis ball busting but when they went to play in the dinner break it was raining, so they had to do, strip poker ball busting instead. In the original game, the two player game, the winner knackered the loser. In the new multi player version the loser, the first one naked, got knackered by all three players, then stayed naked and carried on playing. Baker was the first to be stripped and got knackered by the others. Then to Bakers horror and the other three's delight, he lost the next hand and took another three way knackering. Jarvis then lost had to strip and take a three way knackering. Richards lost the next hand and had to endure, a three way knackering leaving them all naked accept for Poulter. Baker lost again and had to take another hard three way knackering. Poulter finally lost in the last game of the session and had to strip and be knackered by all three of the others.

The next dinner break the weather was OK and they played tennis ball busting. cards were dealt and the lowest card lost, the loser had to throw a dice and the number rolled, was the number of hits at the losers balls their others could take with a tennis balls and racket. Richards was the first to lose and threw a three. he stood against the fence of the old tennis courts with his arms and legs wide. baker went first to show Jarvis and Poulter how to do it, hitting three balls at Richards groin, scoring one hit. Poulter went next and scored two out of three hits, making Richards balls suffer. Jarvis went last and scored two hits leaving Richards balls, aching badly. Baker lost the next game and rolled a four. Jarvis went first whacking four tennis balls at Bakers balls, scoring two out of four making Bakers balls ache. Poulter went next lobbing four tennis balls at Bakers balls, scoring three out of four, really making them ache. Richards went last scoring two out of four, dropping Baker to the ground again. That was the last game, as there was no time for another, much to the annoyance of Baker who had lost the twice game and had to endure having his balls hit with tennis balls.

On the Wednesday they agreed to have a go handicap, naked, knacker fighting, decided by a game of strip poker. The first one naked had to knacker fight the next two naked, while the winner watched. But it rained all day and they could not get away to play, so had to post pone it until the Thursday. Poulter lost first followed by Baker and Richards. Poulter had to naked knacker fight, both Baker and Richards. Baker and Richards ganged up on Poulter and they both gave him a long hard knackering, watched by Jarvis. That afternoon they had study class in their houses. Poulter and Jarvis were in aries house and Baker and Richards in zeus. They went to their prospective house study class.

Poulter and Jarvis met Terry Daniels another boy from their class in their house, who was also interested in ball busting games and abuse, but not in the hard knocks club. Daniels wanted to know why Poulter looked so flushed and was sweating, so they told him, what happened. Daniels liked what he heard and asked if he could join the hard knocks club. Jarvis and Poulter told Daniels they would support his membership. Jarvis then asked Daniels if he want to play a ball abuse game. Daniels agreed and they decided to play rock paper scissors with Poulter as the referee. To his delight Daniels won convincingly, leaving Jarvis with badly aching balls. Richards and Baker met up with Mark Jones, a boy from their class and house, who they had played, some ball busting games with before, who had not yet joined their ball busting club. When they told Jones about the naked knacker fighting, he told them he wanted to join the hard knocks club. They invited Jones to play hi low card, ball busting, the boy with the highest card got to bust by the boy with the lowest card. To everyone’s surprise Jones won nearly every game and Baker and Richards, both took some heaving ball whacking and had to concede the game.

After their study class all four members of the hard knocks club met up with the two prospective new members and agreed that they could join. all six members, old and new were looking forward to Monday when they could indulge in some more balls busting fun. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00


Story extract available to read, on the battle annals ball busting stories extracts blog, link at the top of the page.




















7 Hard knocks club part 3 rock paper scissors ball bust. Set in the nineteen seventies, four fifth year boys, all keen ball busting and abuse fans formed a club for some ball busting fun, called the hard knocks club. The four boys David Poulter, Richard Jarvis, Thomas Baker and Gary Richards, the four original members of the hard knocks club like to come up with inventive ways and games of chance to abuse each others balls. All their ball busting fun sessions take place in the dinner break. In part three the four original members, plus their two new members, Terry Daniels and Mark Jones, come up with a new game to play, after playing a rock paper scissors game, with loser being ball busted in in their house study class. The new game was rock paper, scissors ball bust. Two members would play rock paper scissors and the loser would be busted by a third member, with a new ball busting tool, a tennis ball in a sports sock.

They played the new game, using the new ball busting tool, over three dinner times, slowly perfecting the game play and rules, until the game very tough and painful, to the payer balls. On the third dinner time they played their toughest version yet, was blindfold in just their vest and pants. All their balls suffered in the painful brutal game, but some much more than others. It turned into a inter member endurance competition, with David Poulter declared the over all winner. He was allowed to knacker Richard Jarvis the over all losers balls. Lots more painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00 




















8 The hard knocks club part 4, battle royal. Set in the nineteen seventies six fifth year boys, are all members of the hard knocks club, a club for practicing ball busting and ball abuse. The members were, Richard Jarvis, David Poulter, Thomas Baker, Gary Richards, Mark Jones and Terry Daniels. In this fourth episode, rain stops any club activities until the Thursday. After discussions what to do that lunch time, they decide to play a revamped multi-player version of strip poker ball busting. In the new version all players but the one with the highest card, removed an item of clothing and the winner was able to bust all the the others balls with a fearsome busting implement, the tennis ball in a sock. The plan was to play until all players were naked.

The game proved a real endurance challenge, with five of them being stripped and busted every hand. Some of the players, Mark Jones, Terry Daniels and David Poulter, won more than one game each, ensuring Gary Richards, Richard Jarvis, and Thomas Baker, were repeatedly stripped and busted until naked. Once naked if they lost they had to take two whack with the ball in the sock. So successful and intense, was the ball busting, that the game never went all the way, and Terry Daniels, one of the new members was the winner.

Friday was double PE before lunch followed by double games after lunch and no club activities usually took place. But a thunder storm and torrential rain meant the games lesson was cancelled. The six members of the hard knocks club sneaked to the caretakers old large storage shed where they held their club activities. They decided to have a ball busting battle royal, all against all, winner being the last man standing. As they had got wet getting to the large storage shed they decided to fight the battle royal in just their vest and pants. They had a long hard battle, of ball busting and squeezing, some of them getting stripped and creamed by the others. After the long hard and painful ball busting battle royal, Mark Jones was the last man standing and the winner. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00





















9 The hard knocks club part 5 weighted bottle busting endurance. Set in the nineteen seventies six fifth year boys are all members of the hard knocks club, a club for practicing ball busting and ball abuse. They members were. Richard Jarvis, David Poulter, Thomas Baker, Gary Richards, Mark Jones and Terry Daniels. In this fourth episode they play ball busting tennis with new rules and game play, this time in their vest and pants. The server hit a tennis ball at an opponent, if they hit balls, or a cock, they scored a point and served again. If they hit the body they served again. If they missed, their opponent got to serve. They played two games, a singles and a doubles game. It was, old and new members of the club, Daniels against Jones, Poulter and Jarvis, against Richards and Baker. Their cocks, balls and resolve got well tested, in this painful game. Poulter and Jarvis won their doubles match, ten points to sevens on a double retirement from too much ball pain. Daniels beat Jones in closely fought painful match seven points to five.

Though this new version of ball busting tennis, was the most painful game they had played until they came up with their next idea, weighted bottle busting endurance. A plastic bottle filled with water was hung on a string from the ceiling and swung into the receivers balls. They drew cards and rolled a dice to decide how many swings and who would swing the bottle and in what order they would face the swinging bottle. Jones got the highest card and would do most of the bottle swinging. They would each take three swings while they were held spread eagle by the other four. Jones got to bottle bust Daniels, then Poulter, then Baker, then Richards, and then Jarvis. Finally Jarvis with the second highest card got to swing the bottle at Jones balls. The result was the same each time, the weighted bottle inflicting intense sickening ball pain.

Having all had a taste and the feel of the weighted bottle to their balls, they decided to play on. The same game play with the highest card swinging the bottle into the lowest cards balls. Daniels lost the first game and had to take three more swings to the balls from Baker. Jarvis lost the next game and took two from Baker. Poulter lost the third game and tool four bottle swings from Richards. Richards lost the fourth game and took two bottle swings from Poulter. To every ones delight, Jones lost the fifth game, they were fed up with his arrogance and he took four painful bottle swings from Baker. Angry from the pain, Jones swore at them all and called Poulter and Daniels queer, as they liked their balls hurt. The other five members decided to teach Jones a lesson.

He was held spread-eagle while Poulter kneed him hard in the balls for calling him a queer. Then Daniels took his revenge by slipping his hand in Jones trousers and underpants and squeezed his sore aching balls hard. He was sure Jones balls felt swollen, so they others told him to drop Jones trousers and pants, so they could all see. When Jones balls were exposed, they were red and sore and with his shriveled stub of a cock, was great to the amusement, to the other members of the hard knocks club. They all agreed that this was by far the most painful game they had ever played. Even more painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00





















10 Male on male ball busting short stories collection one. Cock less pair, and how much can you take.

Story number 1 Cock less pair

Gary his yahoo messenger id was nad-risker, had lost a high stakes game of ball busting strip black jack on cam against nad-sacker. He'd had to bust his balls hard for nad_sacker, but worse still, was the forfeit for losing. It was thirty minutes session on chaturbate, a public web cam broadcasting site. Signed on as nad-sacker, he had to bust his balls wearing only his briefs, with a ball in a sock, taking instructions from nad-sacker and his specially invited friends. Nad-sacker and his friends, really made Gary punish his balls on public cam, with numerous painful challenges and requests. The worse offenders were two females, who seemed to try and out do each other, suggesting painful things he was to do to his balls for them, but even worse than them, was junk_collector. Just like the two women junk-collectors suggested had really tested Gary's balls. but just as Gary hope every thing was over in the last few seconds of his session, Junk-collector requested, he remove his briefs and give his bare balls, fifty whacks. That had really finished Gary's balls off completely.

Gary had some on line chats with junk-collector over the next few months, talking about his on line games and challenges and how he got started in ball busting. Then out of the blue, junk-collector told him he was in Cyprus on business, staying at a hotel in Nicosia and he wanted to have a ball busting session with Gary, if he could make it to Nicosia. He also told Gary to bring the ball in the sock so they could use it on each others balls. Gary although weary, agreed and traveled to Nicosia. Junk-collectors name was Dave and he met him the hotel bar. They went to Dave's room, for a game of ball busting strip black jack on the bed. The loser cut the pack if he drew red he would have to take something off, if he drew back he got a whack in the balls with the ball in the sock. The game went bad for Gary when he got stripped to his briefs early, meaning every time he lost, he had to take whack in the balls. His balls took a heavy pounding, as he slowly stripped Dave down to his boxer shorts, to even things up and he could concentrate, on whacking Dave's balls when he lost.

Although he got the satisfaction of whacking Dave's balls when he lost, the game still went bad for Gary and his balls really suffered, until he was forced to concede the game. A real hard ball busting game, of chance and challenge.

Story number two, how much can you take.

Dough was an older mature guy into ball busting, he enjoyed mutual ball busting giving and taking. But he really enjoyed just taking and liked to be tested, to see just how much ball abuse, he could take. He joined kramtoad, an online ball busting site, hoping to meet other guys into ball busting. He met three potential opponents, via the kramtoad chat facility. Two were close to his own age and mutual busters like himself. The third Ian was younger and a giver only, who enjoyed inflicting ball pain, particularly on older guys. They struck up friendship via kramtoad chat and eventually decided to meet for a ball busting session. Ian was eager to see just how much ball pain Dough could take.

Ian was only wearing some long baggy football shorts when he let Dough in. After coffee and a discussion about ball busting and how they both started and what Ian was going to do to him, to see just how much Dough could take. Ian took Dough up stairs and showed him the bonger, he was going to use on his balls. Dough wanted to know how it was going to work and Ian told him, would just whack him in the balls, until he couldn't take anymore. The only rule was he couldn't defend them or cover them up. Dough knelt on the bed with his legs apart and butterflies in his stomach. Ian was true to his word and whacked Dough's balls hard with the bonger. After eleven hard painful whacks to the balls Dough was dropped to the bed. Ian would only give Dough a minute to rest before staring on his balls again.

The session carried on like this, with Ian mercilessly pounding Dough's balls with the bonger. The sadistic nature of the merciless busting, made them both highly aroused, cocks rock hard and wet with pre-cum. Dough realised that Ian really did intend to see just how much he could take and was determined to beat the spunk out of Doughs balls with the bonger. To finish Dough off Ian decided, he would whack Dough's balls non stop, ordering, Dough to count each whack out loud. Dough stopped counting at six and was dropped to the bed. Then Ian upped the ante, by stripping Dough to the waist and making him carry on in just his jeans and bare foot. Ian carried on his relentless pounding of Dough's balls, dropping him again to the bed, when his balls hurt too much.

The ante was raised again, as Ian removed Dough's jeans, stripping him to his tight whities. Dough knew he could not last long now, as in just his skin tight whities, Ian couldn't miss. It was the hardest thing Dough did, kneeling with his legs open on the bed. Ian then worked on Dough's balls, with the bonger until Dough was on the brink of ejaculation. Then he started to whack Dough's rock, hard, cock with it as well, upping the ante even more. Ian didn't stop until, he dropped Dough to the bed, barley able to breathe, from the intense cock and ball pain. Ian then knelt astride Dough's upper body, facing Dough's feet and pinned Dough's arms under his knees. With Dough helplessly pinned, Ian started to pound Dough's defenceless cock and balls, with the bonger. Dough held on as long as he could, but the pain was too much and his cock exploded. Ian had whacked the spunk out of his balls as promised. Ian finished of their session downstairs on the couch after removing Dough's spunk soaked briefs. Ian worked on Dough's badly abused cock and balls, forcing another draining ejaculation out of him. An intense ball busting endurance challenge of young buster and old bustee. €4.00



















11 Male on male ball busting short stories collection two. Novice ball buster debut, Cody's first real ball busting challenge. Two on one beat down, ball busting strip wrestling.

Story one novice ball buster debut, Cody's first real ball busting challenge.

Cody was a novice prospective member of the TTC, the testes testing club and he was hoping to be the youngest member of the TTC. It all depended on his performance, on his debut ball busting challenge game for the TTC, if he won he would make the grade, but he could still lose and make the grade if he performed well. What ever was decided, Cody knew it would be a tough challenge, as he was too young, in the eyes of many of the members, of the TTC. Cody had to face, Greg the oldest member of the TTC, in a ball busting endurance challenge, it was to be a handicap challenge. They would play poker to decide whose balls got hit with a ball in a sock. It was decided that Greg would play in just his briefs and Cory would have a two to one hit advantage. Greg was bigger, heavier and much more experienced than Cory, but Cory hoped the two to one hit advantage and the fact that Greg was only in his briefs and he could not miss with the ball in the sock, would even things up a little, in his favour. Cory's hopes and confidence took a boost when he took a wager cutting cards with Greg and winning a three to one hit advantage, however, he had risked playing in just his underwear, if the cut low. Other rules were, that two's were wild and could be any card and if a player lost to a full house the busting penalty would be tripled, or the loser had to remove all clothing, or underwear, it would be the winner choice.

Cody started off well in the long painful ball busting endurance poker game, his three to one hit advantage allowed him to really pound and punish Greg's balls. However the game was long and painful and Cody's balls started to pay the price, as well. Cody really thought he had Greg beat when he got a full house and gave Greg nine hard whacks to his already aching, battered, balls. However his triumph was shattered when Greg got a full house and he had to strip to his boxer shorts, reducing his advantage. Playing in just his boxers, was a lot tougher, but he still managed to use his three to one advantage, to keep Greg in trouble and close to defeat. However the game got very close in the end, with Cory wondering how much more he could take, but he was saved by, a full house win, and nine hard whacks virtually finished Greg. It only took one more win and the first whack, for Greg to lose control and ejaculate and lose the match. Tough hard ball busting endurance challenge, young novice balls against older more experienced balls.

Story two, two on one beat down ball busting, strip wrestling.

Three teenage friends, Ben, Rob and Larry, met at Ben's house every Wednesday evening, for what Ben and Rob, called fun games, when Ben's mother was at bingo, that usually meant Larry suffering. This time they decided on wrestling and true to form Ben and Rob decided, to take turns tagging against Larry. When they both easily beat Larry, making him suffer with painful pins and holds, Ben made it a strip wrestling match, with the loser, losing item of clothing, for each submission or pin. Larry suffered a painful beat down by his two opponents who who through repeated pins and submission stripped him to his underpants. Larry's pains and suffering didn't end there. Rob held Larry in a choke hold, while Ben punished and abused his balls. Ben mercilessly taunted Larry for having such small balls and delighting in showing them to Rob. Then they swapped places, while Rob abused and ridiculed Larry's Balls. The final indignity, came when they threw Larry out of Ben's house in just in underpants. Brutal tough, two on one, wrestling beat down, with lots of ball busting and abuse. 4.00 



















12 Strip poker ball busting, win or lose, your balls will suffer. Gary was looking for a new way to enjoy his favourite pass time, ball busting. He missed school and the ball busting there. He did wrestle with an ex class mate Nathan, also into ball busting and they included ball busting in their wrestling. As he was the best wrestler and he usually won, his balls were spared most of the time. He wanted to find a way that randomly decided who got busted, so he had no control over who won because he enjoyed ball pain. That's when he came up with ball busting strip poker. They had played strip poker at school as well and incorporating ball busting in the game, seemed the ideal solution to Gary. Gary discussed the idea with Nathan and he was game so they worked out the rules.

The loser of a hand had to cut the pack of punishment cards, red meant, removal of one item, black meant, a whack in the balls with their chosen implement, a ball in a sock. There would three times as many black cards as red in the punishment pack, to ensure plenty of ball busting. When a player was down to their underwear, then they got busted every time they lost. Players started with six items and when they had lost their shoes, the winner could chose which item to remove. once both players were down to their underwear, then they could raise the ball busting ante, by betting more whacks. If a player won with a full house then the loser removed their underwear. If a player won with another full house and the other was already naked, then the loser got six whacks in the balls. Gary was happy, the rules of the new game, would test his ball busting resolve, it would be a ball busting endurance challenge.

They played their first game at Nathan's house. Nathan had more luck than Gary, winning more games, but losing many himself. However Nathan drew, more red cards and got stripped, while Gary took plenty of whacks in the balls, and lost clothes at a much slower rate. Gary's tight jeans, ensured he took painful whacks to the balls, every time he lost. Nathan's baggy track suit bottoms, made his balls much harder, to hit properly, if at all. By the time Nathan got down to his underwear, Gary's balls had already taken a heavy pounding, making him hard and excited and also concerned, as to how much more he could take.

The game carried on with Nathan still winning more games and whacking Gary's balls, while slowly stripping him to his boxers, but now taking hard whacks to his own balls. When they were both down to their underwear the betting of more balls whacks, began. Still luck was with Nathan and his tactic of folding every time Gary raised him, ensured, he was only taking one whack every game lost, to Gary's two or three. At this point they both thought Gary would lose, as his balls had been well pounded and they were red and swollen. Nathan was the first to lose his briefs to a full house and take whacks in the bare balls. The ball busting tally seemed to become more even, after this with Nathan suffering and wondering if he could continue and his only relief was when his full house claimed Gary's boxers.

The betting of more whacks got more prolific and the ensuing naked ball busting punished both players balls, testing both of their endurance. Gary was on the brink of defeat, when he snatched victory, with a win, with a full house and a bet with a final raise of six ball busts. That meant Nathan faced six ball busts, for the full house win, as he was naked and seven from the wager thirteen whacks. Nathan conceded the game, not willing to take so many whacks, but Gary would not let him wimp out, he made Nathan take all thirteen and by the end his balls were red and swollen like Gary's. Gary and Nathan were chalk and cheese, Gary enjoyed ball pain and was excited by it. Nathan didn't, but was turned on by giving others ball pain. Tt the end Gary's cock was rock hard and throbbing and Nathan's a shriveled stub. Gary abused Nathan's balls, as a penalty for losing and made Nathan ejaculate, although he did not have an erection. Nathan returned the favour abusing Gary's red swollen balls, as Gary wanked it to relieve himself of his frustrated excitement and the added ball pain, pushed him rapidly to ejaculation. Tough give and take ball busting challenge, with balls mercilessly pounded in the battle to win. Hard male on male ball busting action. 4.00 






















13 Hard knocks club part 6 Poulter's and Daniels weekend trauma, a two part story.


Part 1 Poulter's Googley


David Poulter and Richard Jarvis, both members of the hard knocks club are also, both members of their schools, cricket team. They were waiting for the other schools team, to arrive, so the game could start, on a Saturday afternoon. Poulter one of the best batsman, for the team made a boastful bet with Jarvis, one of the best bowlers, that he could score more runs than Jarvis could get wickets and runs. Jarvis knew something that Poulter did not, that the other schools team, was unlikely to get to them, as there had been a big accident on the motorway, all roads round in the area were grid locked. So he argued with Poulter, finally getting him to up the ante, so the bet was that poulter would score more runs than the wickets and runs he got what ever happened. Later when they heard the team could not make it Jarvis sprung his trap. He told Poulter he had lost, as he had not scored more runs that he and taken wickets or scored runs. They were both on zero and Poulter had lost, having not scored more runs than him. The bet had been that who ever won could use Poulter's bat, on the losers balls. Annoyed at being tricked, but with no way out Poulter had to let Jarvis, use the bat on his balls. Jarvis took great delight in abusing Poulter's balls, with his own bat. Poulter's bat was chipped and worn. Jarvis used the bat on Poulter cock and balls, whacking and rubbing it over them leaving them scratched and grazed. By the time Jarvis made Poulter cum, creamed him, his cock and balls were red, sore and swollen. Heavy cbt and ball busting action.


Part 2 Daniels slipper woes 


Terry Daniels a member of the hard knocks club, was at home in his bedroom on Saturday with his younger brother, Sam Daniels. Terry was doing his home work, Sam was annoying Terry, by trying to grab his and squeeze his balls. When Terry finally finished his home work, they argued for some time which ended with them agreeing to play, a ball busting fight with slippers. They argued then on how they would fight and finally decided to play strip poker to try and get the other naked before the slipper fight started. Agreed rules were that the loser would cut the pack if he drew red he would take off one item of clothing, if he drew black he would get whacked in the balls, with the slipper. Only when a joker that had been left in the pack, was drawn would the slipper fight start.

They started their long game of strip poker in which Terry did much better than Sam. Sam took more whacks and was quickly stripped to his underpants. Tt took longer to get Terry down to his vest and pants, by which time they both had aching balls. Sam had taken ten whacks to Terry's five, and now there were not many cards left to draw and the joker was one of them. When terry lost the next and drew a red card and was going to take his vest off, but Sam insisted he took his pants off instead. Terry refused and they argued until Sam triple dared Terry to take his pants off. Terry reluctantly agreed, thinking the way the game had gone, he would get Sam's pants off with the next hand. Tut to terry's horror the joker was drawn in that hand. He would have to fight Sam without any pants on, giving Sam the advantage

They had a long hard and painful slipper fight mercilessly whacking each other's balls. Terry did well to start with despite his disadvantage, but it told in the end and coupled with his love of ball pain, forced him to concede the match. But not before Sam had slippered his naked arse almost red raw. As the loser, he had to remove his vest and roll over, to let Sam whack his cock and balls. at first he had refused to roll over, even though he conceded the game. That was why Sam had slippered his arse so mercilessly. With his arse burning, Terry had to roll over and let Sam whack his red and sore looking, cock and balls. Sam let lose with his slipper until Terry cock and balls were red sore and swollen and only stopped when he made Terry cum, creamed him. More heavy ball busting and cbt action. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00