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Check out Mitch men tribute the Manflesh and other great fetish artists 




Source of the text and manflesh images posted by Hayden for his part 2 of Hayden's wheels of sisyphus. Hayden's text was used as a basis, for for new manflesh version, of Hayden's wheels of sisiyphus. The aqua dude site also contains more examples of manflesh artwork. Also many other great gay artists. 


Manflesh artwork and comic book page on word press 


Posts of Manflesh artwork and comic book examples on Manflesh word press  


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The Toon Art of Manflesh 

Daddy's tribute to Manflesh art work 


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14 Male on male ball busting short stories collection three, two guys get busted in a public toilet.

Two guys get busted in a public toilet part 1 Rack Me Hard's story

Bollock Buster, a hard ball busting top, had chatted with two bustees, on his favourite ball busting contact site. Chatting to them and grooming them for a meet up and a ball busting session. They were, Rack Me Hard and Ball Pain Pig. Rack Me Hard, was the first of the two, to agree to meet Bollock Buster at a remote public toilet, as he had suggested. Bollock Buster had wanted to meet both Rack Me Hard and Ball Pain Pig at the same time, but Ball Pain Pig could not make it to the location until later in the evening, so he had to meet them separately.

Bollock Buster was already waiting in the public toilet for Rack Me Hard, when he arrived. Bollock Buster, started with ball punches targeting the bulge in Rack Me Hard's faded, black jeans. But he kept Rack Me Hard waiting, to heighten his excitement and the tension and it worked. Rack Me Hard was already semi stiff when he entered the public toilet, now getting rock hard, and clearly visible through his black faded jeans. But Bollock Buster deliberately waited even longer until, Rack Me Hard started to relax. This made the first punch doubly effective. Bollock Buster, continued to space out the punches, with delays between them to increase Rack Me Hard's excitement. Bollock Buster, carried on punching, Rack Me Hard, getting him more excited, then pausing to allow him to calm down, before resuming, with more painful ball punching. Bollock Buster, carried on like this, pushing Rack Me Hard, to the point of ejaculation, then pausing, until Rack Me Hard, was hunched over and stooping, legs spread, from the sickening ball pain.

That was when Bollock Buster, switched to kicking Rack Me Hard's balls. The first kick shocked and surprised Rack Me Hard. Bollock Buster, used the same policy with his kicks, as with his punching, pausing between them, to cause maximum effect. For the first few, then switched to rapid kicks without pausing. this dropped, Rack Me Hard to his knees. Bollock Buster, then enjoyed grabbing and squeezing Rack Me Hard's aching balls, again pushing him hard. Then switching to teasing his iron hard cock, that only made him more excited. Bollock Buster, carried on like this, alternating between Rack Me Hard's cock and balls. He then started to punch, Rack Me Hard's balls, pushing him, yet again to the brink of ejaculation. Bollock Buster, paused, as Rack Me Hard, fought desperately not to cum. But another punch, was the straw, dropping Rack Me Hard to his knees, as he ejaculated hard.

Although he made Rack Me Hard cum, Bollock Buster, had not finished with him and continued to kick Rack Me Hard's balls, until Rack Me Hard, agree to suck his cock. Bollock Buster, made Rack Me Hard, suck his cock until he cum and splashed his spunk all over Rack Me Hard's face. Bollock Buster, gave Rack Me Hard's balls, one last punch before telling him the session was over and watched him stumble wearily out of the public toilet.

Two guys get busted in a public toilet part 2 Ball Pain Pig's story

After his exciting session with Rack Me Hard, Bollock Buster, secluded himself in a cubicle until, Ball Pain Pig arrived. Ball Pain Pig, was hard and excited, eager for things to start. When Bollock Buster, told Ball Pain Pig, of the tough session he had given Rack Me Hard, Ball Pain Pig, told him he wanted the same, if not more. Encouraged, Bollock Buster, got to work on the bulge in Ball Pain Pig's, lycra cycle shorts. When Bollock Buster, started to punch Ball Pain Pig's balls, Ball Pain Pig did not moan, protest, or cover his balls. Only after numerous, hard punches, did Ball Pain Pig, let out a gasp of pain. The next punch, made his hard cock twitch excitedly. These were all good signs, to Bollock Buster, that Ball Pain Pig, was enjoying the pain, confirmed even more when, Ball Pain Pig, started to wank his cock. Bollock Buster, continued until Ball Pain Pig, was moaning, after every punch. Moaning and enjoying the pain, while furiously wanking his cock, Ball Pain Pig was rapidly pushed to the edge. Just like he did with Rack Me Hard, Bollock Buster paused, to let Ball Pain Pig, calm down.

After the pause, Bollock Buster, clasped the bulge, of Ball Pain Pig's balls. Bollock Buster, squeezed Ball Pain Pig's balls, making him wince, as they were filled with sickening pain. Bollock Buster, gave Ball Pain Pig's balls, a hard squeeze, before he started punching them again. The repeated punches, were faster and made Ball Pain Pig, sway at the hips. As the hard punches, continued, Ball Pain Pig started to stroke his excited cock again. He was soon stroking it furiously, making Bollock Buster, pause again. When Ball Pain Pig, had calmed down, Bollock Buster, started to kick Ball Pain Pig's balls, much to his surprise and shock. Bollock Buster, made, Ball Pain Pig, wait for the second kick, as he new it would excite him more. The second kick when it came made, Ball Pain Pig hunch over in pain. Ball Pain Pig, straightened up, but hunched over again, after two more hard kicks. More kicks, made Ball Pain Pig's balls suffer. Then Bollock Buster, switched to punching them again. The repeated punches had no effect on Ball Pain Pig, for a while, but as the pain grew, he started to stroke his cock and again and was soon stroking it furiously. Bollock Buster, only paused, when he had Ball Pain Pig, on the brink of ejaculation.

After the pause, Bollock Buster, grabbed and squeezed Ball Pain Pig's, balls again. Then he pulled the front, of Ball Pain Pig's shorts down, exposing his naked cock and balls. Bollock Buster, grabbed and squeezed Ball Pain Pig's, naked balls. Bollock Buster, continued until, Ball Pain Pig, was on the brink of cuming, then paused. Bollock Buster started to punch Ball Pain Pig's balls again, until Ball Pain Pig was in so much pain, he grabbed and cupped his aching balls. Bollock Buster, had to pause again. By now Bollock Buster, was so excited, his cock was bulging in his jeans. Ball Pain Pig, grabbed and squeezed Bollock Buster's cock, making dim gasp. Bollock Buster, returned the favour and they stroked each other off, when Bollock Buster, sensed Ball Pain Pig was close, he stopped and grabbed his balls again. Bollock Buster, squeezed Ball Pain Pig's balls and pushed him back, by them. As Ball Pain Pig stroked his cock, Bollock Buster, started kicking his balls, until Ball Pain Pig, grabbed his cock again and they started stroking each other. Bollock Buster, only stopped when he was close to the brink and Ball Pain Pig, was closer.

Bollock Buster, forced Ball Pain Pig back and began kicking his balls again, until Ball Pain Pig, hunched over and cupped his aching balls again. Bollock Buster, waited until Ball Pain Pig, let go of his balls and started to stroke his cock again. Bollock Buster, then slapped Ball Pain Pig's balls, until he was forced to cup them again. Another pause and then more squeezing and stretching of Ball Pain Pig's balls, followed by more slapping, until he made Ball Pain Pig ejaculate. This dropped Ball Pain Pig to his knees. Ball Pain Pig, told Bollock Buster, that this was the hardest busting session, he had ever hard. Bollock Buster, then reminded Ball Pain Pig, that he said, he wanted it as hard as Rack Me Hard, or even harder. Bollock Buster, true to his word started to stroke Ball Pain Pig's, now highly sensitive, post ejaculation, cock. Bollock Buster, threatened to carry on, until he made Ball Pain Pig cum, knowing every stroke was torture, until Ball Pain Pig, agreed, to let Bollock Buster, amuse himself in another way. Bollock Buster, slapped Ball Pain Pig's balls, until he dropped to his knees. Then he made Ball Pain Pig, suck his cock until he cum and showered Ball Pain Pig's face with his spunk. Elated Bollock Buster, left Ball Pain Pig, kneeling in the public toilet.

Two hard ball busting short stories, with great male on male ball busting action and abuse. €2.00





















15 The hard knocks club part 7 bat and balls and slipper play.


Bat and balls

After his weekend ball busting fun with David Poulter, using a cricket bat and cricket a ball, to abuse David Poulter's balls. Richard Jarvis suggested that the hard knocks club use a cricket bat, in new ball busting game. They would spin a bottle and the one it stopped pointing at, would get hit in the balls with a small cricket bat. The other members of the hard knocks club liked the idea and they tried it out in the dinner break. To make the game tougher, they decided to play in just their gym shorts, with no underpants on.

Terry Daniels was the first to spin the bottle and Richard Jarvis, was the first to get whacked, with the cricket bat. He had to stand legs apart, with his hands held behind him, while Terry Daniels, the spinner, used the cricket bat, to whack his balls. The cricket bat had expected effect, filling Richard Jarvis's balls with sickening pain. The game went on for many more rounds with everyone taking a turns at spinning the bottle. They all ended up get whacked at least once but two of them got whacked three times. This unlucky pair, were made piggies in the middle, for the rest of the afternoon, as a forfeit for getting hit, the most times. That was Richard Jarvis and Mark Jones. they had to fight a two on one, ball whacking and grabbing fight, with two other members of the hard knocks club. Richard Jarvis took on Terry Daniels and David Poulter. Mark Jones took on Thomas Baker and Gary Richards. They both suffered much more abuse and trauma to their balls.

Slipper play

After the success of their new and painful game, bat and balls. The hard knocks club after a lot of debate, came up with another new and equally painful, new game, called slipper play. The loser would again be decided by spinning the bottle. The game was played in their vest and underpants. The loser who had to remove his underpants, would then be bent and stretched over an old wooden gym horse, two members of the hard knock club would keep their legs stretched tight, while the loser gripped the bottom of the either side of the legs of the horse. The bottle spinner could then give the loser two whacks of the plimsoll, on his naked buttocks. then the other four, would take turns giving the loser one whack each to his naked buttocks. So the loser took six whacks in all.

The loser was then turned over and stretched tight over the horse, by four members of the hard knocks club. The bottle spinner could then give the loser two whacks to his naked balls with the plimsoll. Again the other four, would take turns giving the loser one whack each, to his naked balls, so the loser took six whacks to, his naked balls. David Poulter was the first to spin the bottle this time and this time Mark Jones, was the first loser. He took two hard whacks to his arse from David Poulter, and then one more each from the other four members. He was turned over and took two hard whacks to his balls from David Poulter, and then one more each from the other four members. This turned out to be an even more painful and traumatic game for their balls, than the cricket bat game, had been.

They played several times with all of them beside David Poulter, lost at least once. Mark Jones was unluckily a loser twice and suffered a double dose of buttocks and ball whacking. The game was that painful and traumatic, that it made two members ejaculate, or cream, as the members of the hard knocks club, liked to call it. They were Thomas Baker and Mark Jones, who was creamed by his last whack of his second dose, of six whacks to his balls.

Even more heavy ball busting and cbt action. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00























16 How he got to enjoy hard ball pain. Ray got into painful ball play, grabbing and whacking, other boy's balls and having his own balls, grabbed and whacked, at senior school. When he left he thought he'd left all his ball busting days behind him. Because he went to boys school, not the local high school, he left his ball busting friends behind. Salvation came with a younger neighbour, called Justin. They both liked the wrestling on TV and then acted out. His chance came when they were talking about one wrestler, using low blows and dirty tactics, to win. Then he made the fateful decision, to suggest that they use low blows and dirty tactics in their wrestling. To his surprise Justin agreed and they started to use low blows and dirty tactics, in their wrestling. Justin turned out be so good at them, that he went from losing almost every wrestling match, to winning everyone. Their wrestling progressed to ball busting fights, with punches and grabs, then to slipper fights. Justin excelled at all of them, beating Ray and punishing his balls. Justin grew more sadistic and found increasing ways to make Ray fight in only his underpants, loving the way it left Ray's balls helplessly exposed. Sometimes he even made Ray fight with hands tied behind his back and once blind fold as well.

Then one day Justin involved a friend from school, Frank. Frank fitted in extremely well and took to ball busting very quickly. It turned out, he use to do some with his older brother Harry. In their first session Ray took on Frank first., the decide to start with wrestling and ball busting. Frank turned out to be almost as good as Justin and made Ray's balls suffer. Then things changed for Ray, forever. While Frank was struggling to pin Ray, Justin punched Ray in the balls, That made Ray collapse and he was pinned and smothered by Frank. Ray had never liked, hard punches in the balls, but smothered, he was unable, to object. As Ray never objected, Justin carried on punching Ray's balls. However, this time, the heavy ball pain, produced by the punches, excited Ray and he started to like it. From then on Ray enjoyed more, heavier ball pain.

Justin and Frank enjoyed ganging up on Ray and making his balls suffer, using all the tactics, Justin had introduced in, his previous fights with Ray. They really made sure Ray's balls suffered so much, that they made him cum, some times more than once. After beating and draining Ray, they would fight each other. They were, as merciless with their own balls, as with Ray's. Both of them suffered painful defeats at the other hands. Ray's sessions with Justin and Frank, stopped when he started work, but those double sessions, had hooked Ray on enjoying heavy ball pain, for the rest of his life. more heavy ball busting and cbt action. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and loving it. 3.00  




















17 The hard knocks club part 8 foreign balls and pen pal busters, Bakers saga part 1, Baker in Germany. The misadventures of Thomas Baker, a member of the hard knocks clubs in Germany, when he went to stay with his pen pal Kurt. Thomas had told Kurt all about his ball busting and knacker fighting activities, with the other members of the hard knocks club. Kurt was curious and eager to try some ball busting and knacker fighting. Thomas thought how hot and athletic Kurt looked just in his briefs. So Thomas demonstrated some ball squeezing, knackering, ball slapping, and ball punching, on Kurt and then let Kurt practice the same on his own balls. Thomas was surprised how much ball pain Kurt, as a novice could take and how good at inflicting ball pain, he was. Kurt found abusing Thomas's, another boys cock and balls, very exciting and was hooked. They had their first ball busting and knacker fight, the next evening and Thomas more experienced, easily beat Kurt, but it was painful victory for Thomas.

That was when Kurt let Thomas in on a secret he and two other boys had a wrestling club between them. They wrestled in an old abandoned air raid shelter, in a secluded part of the grounds, at Kurt's school. Kurt showed Thomas his school and the air raid shelter. They had another knacker fight which Thomas won again, but not quiet as easily, another painful victory. At school Thomas Kurt's his two class mates and wrestling friends Meyer and Rolf. Rolf was handsome and athletic like Kurt. Meyer was huge, over weight, but a very good wrestler, the champion of their small club. He modeled himself on the big Daddy was almost impossible to beat, which made him very arrogant. Kurt confessed he's told Thomas about their wrestling and challenged Meyer to match after school. Thomas found the wrestling exciting to watch, as Meyer and Kurt, wrestled in the their underpants. Meyer made short work of Kurt easily beating and abusing him. Once he got two submissions, or uncles, as they liked to use in Germany. Meyer stripped Kurt naked and made him cum, a penalty for losing. Later that evening Thomas and Kurt had another knacker fight which Thomas won, but it was much harder for him to beat Kurt.

The next day after school Meyer and Rolf wrestled inthe old shelter. It was Rolf's turn to be beaten and abused by Meyer, suffering a similar fate to Kurt. That was followed by more knacker fighting and ball busting and knackering practice. Then it was Thomas's turn to wrestle Meyer in the shelter. Kurt had suggested that Thomas use knacker fighting techniques against Meyer, to try and beat him. At first it worked and Thomas was easily beating Meyer, but a lucky blow from Meyer gave him the upper hand and he punished and abused Thomas into defeat, to be stripped and milked like, Kurt and Rolf. That evening Kurt and Thomas had another knacker fight, a long and hard one, that Kurt eventually won, using a combination of wrestling and knacker fighting tactics. After Thomas's final painful submission, Kurt did not release him, until Thomas agreed, to be Kurt's naked wrestling and knacker boy.

Encouraged by his win over Thomas and the success of the new tactics, Kurt challenged Meyer to another match after school. Using his successful combination of wrestling and knacker fighting tactics, Kurt was able to beat Meyer although it was a very close run thing. It was Meyer's turn to be stripped naked and milked dry, as the loser. That evening Kurt used Thomas, as his knacker fighting and wrestling boy, practicing the combination on him. Thomas had to endure more of the same, on his last night with Kurt. The first part of the story ends, where it began, with Thomas waiting for Kurt, to arrive in England, for a week with Thomas and the other members of the hard knocks club.

More heavy ball busting and cbt action, also wrestling actionMore painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and each others bodies, with wrestling and loving it. 3.00




















18 Your balls are mine big bro. Teenage brothers James and Robert, James 18 and Robert 11. James was an apprentice electrician and Robert was in his first year, at senior school. James had an accident at work, that broke both his arms and left, both of them in plaster up to his elbows, only with the ends of his fingers and thumbs, exposed. This left James unable to do anything for himself. This meant that Robert had to do everything for him and became his full time helper. Robert quickly got fed up with dressing James every day and would only put on James boxer briefs, after that. Robert liked to tease James cock and balls with the hot shower water, getting them both red and his cock hard. After a few weeks, that was how Robert noticed James had an erection nearly all the time. He grew irritable and was sweating most of the time, even thought her only wore, his boxer briefs. In the end James told Robert he was desperate to cum and wanted Robert to make him cum. Robert refused. Robert had discovered ball busting at school, he seen older boys, doing it to each other and he liked seeing one boys balls hurt by another. He even tried some, on other younger and older boys and found it he really enjoyed it. He also discovered that older boys balls, were bigger, softer and more vulnerable, than boys, his own age. So when James, asked him to make him cum, he refused, but only so he could make James agree, to let him hurt his balls, in exchange, for making him cum.

When Robert told James what it would cost him, if he wanted Robert to make him cum. He was horrified and would not agree. But, as he got more and more desperate, he eventually agreed. Robert had to start off lightly at first, always sure he could slowly increase, James suffering. It started with one punch and one grab and squeeze, which James hated. It had taken several minutes for James to cum, so Robert said, he wanted more the next time. So next time Robert demanded one whack and grab for every minute, it took to make James cum. It took James a while to agree, but when he did, Robert made sure it took, six minutes, to make James cum. That allowed Robert, to punch James balls, six times and grab and squeeze them, six times. Robert was delighted with the domination and power, it gave him, over James. Robert slowly upped the anti every time, he had to make James cum, so he made James balls, suffer more, each time. He became very efficient at abusing James balls and could not wait, to get back to school, to test his new skills on, other older boys. As things progressed, Robert found he could abuse James hard cock and make him suffer, even more, even continuing to wank it, after James had cum, turned out to be painful for James. He also discovered by doing this, to James cock, would make him cum again, but not the normal fierce ejaculation where the spunk spurted out, it just dribbled out slowly. That left James not only exhausted not frustrated.

This allowed Robert to demand more and more intense abuse of James cock and balls. It got to the point that James, even agreed that Robert, could abuse his cock and balls, anytime he wanted to, as long, as he made him cum, afterwards. This allowed Robert to try all different ways to abuse James cock and balls, until he was good at kicking, kneeing, as well as punching and squeezing. He also convinced James, to let him use a slipper, on his cock and balls. This painful price for being made to cum, changed Robert as well. At first he hated the pain, but slowly and surely, he got to like it. So much so that when the plaster casts were removed, from his arms, and he could wank himself again, he found to his horror, he could not cum. He took him a while to realise, then longer, to finally admit to himself, that he now associated cuming, with ball pain. But he could not hurt his balls enough, to make himself cum, he had to ask Robert, to hurt his balls again. Robert was back at school by then and enjoying abusing, older boys balls. Robert agreed knowing he now had control of his brothers cock and balls, for as long as he liked. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, with the younger brother, abusing his older brothers cock and balls. 3.00


















19 Black mailed wrestling boy. A group of younger boys, turn the tables on their older leader, when they discovered a dark secret, from his past and black mailed him, into being their wrestling fall guy, to use and abuse as they saw fit. Previously Alfie as their leader, had decided, which one of them would be the fall guy, who then got abused. He made sure they were all the fall guy at one time or another, so they would all suffer. So when the tables were turned, none of them had any mercy for Alfie and took great delight in abusing and humiliating him. He'd always encouraged them, to abuse the fall guys balls. So Alfie's cock and balls were the centre of attention for their abuse.

An old school friend of Alfie's told one of the older boys, David about how they use to abuse Alfie at school, particularly, his cock and balls and how much he liked it. He said Alfie use to get hard and cum. They made his suck their cocks and they use to fuck his arse with various objects, their favourite being the handle of a yellow screw driver. His friend Chris showed a photo of them stripping Alfie in the changing rooms at school and let him keep it. So that evening before Alfie came to join them, where they always met for wrestling and other things. David told the others, Robert, John, Mark, Sean and Billy about what Chris had told them about Alfie and showed them the photo of him being stripped. They then hatched a plot to make Alfie think they had more photos of him ones of his sucking cock and being fucked with a screw driver handle. Alfie was shocked when they told him what they knew and showed him the photo and said they had even better ones, that they would show everyone. Alfie was devastated and believed them and agreed to be the fall guy from then on.

The six boys took great delight in abusing Alfie particularly his cock and balls. They loved getting him hard and making him cum. Also raping his bum with ever larger objects. They enjoyed abusing Alfie at their special place, at other boys homes, in the swimming pool. They even got David's younger cousin Gary, to abuse Alfie, in revenge for they way Alfie had Gary abused, a couple of times. The six younger boy made Alfie suffer long and hard, always coming up with new ways to abuse and humiliate him. More painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, with the younger boys, physically and sexually, abusing an older boy, once their leader. €5.00

















20 The hard knocks club part 9 foreign balls and pen pal buster, Bakers saga part 2 Kurt in England. After Bakers painful and exciting time in Germany, with his pen pal Kurt and Kurt's friends. Kurt came to England, to stay with Baker and meet his friends and class mates, in the hard knocks club. Having heard all about the hard knocks club and having been introduced, to the fun of ball pain and ball busting, by Baker, Kurt was eager to meet and pit himself against, the other members of the hard knocks club. He was eager to take them all on, in an English rules, ball busting wrestling fights, confident he could, easily beat all of them, having done so to Baker back in Germany. He was particularly interested, in making them suffer, when he had done so.

Kurt arrived late Saturday afternoon. After tea he took Baker on at some ball busting wrestling and beat him, as he had done, back in Germany. Then he enjoyed abusing Baker, playing with him, as his knacker boy, for the night. On the Sunday Baker, showed Kurt, the way to his school and the care takers, old shed, where the hard knocks club, activities took place. Also the devices and equipment, they used in their, ball busting activities. Kurt was impressed by both and eager to to use them on members of the hard knocks club if he beat them.

In the Monday, dinner break, Kurt took on Jarvis, the hard knocks club best wrestler and fighter. Kurt beat Jarvis three nil, quite quickly with a pin. Then after smothering Jarvis, almost to unconsciousness. Kurt got a submission from Jarvis, trapping him, in a reverse head scissors and pounding his belly and balls. Kurt kept the reverse head scissors on and slapped Jarvis's cock that had got hard, while he had been smothered and his belly and balls pounded. Until he made Jarvis, submit to win the match. By winning Kurt was able to use a forfeit on Jarvis. He chose to use the plastic water bottle, filled with water and hanging by a rope, from the ceiling, of the shed, to abuse Jarvis balls. The bottle really made Jarvis's balls suffer, and he took four hits with it, before it finally, made him cum in his pants.

Kurt was so obsessed with the water bottle on the rope, he could think about nothing else. He wondered just how painful it was, and how Jarvis could take four hits, before he was made to cum. So after school he had Baker go with him to the care takers shed. He told Baker he wanted to see how painful it was and how many he could take, hopefully more than Jarvis. Baker made him strip to his pants, before he would hit Kurt's balls, with the bottle on the rope. It turned out so painful, Kurt could only manage, to endure two hits. The residual pain and shock, of having his balls, hit with the bottle, meant Kurt, was too tender, for any ball busting wrestling, or heavy ball busting games. They agreed on a light knacker fight, squeezing each others balls, to decide who would be the knacker boy for the night. Despite his tender balls, Kurt was dominant, to start with, until Baker turned the tables on him and made Kurt, his knacker boy. Baker had fun with Kurt's cock and balls, abusing them, until he was about to cum. Then he stopped and made Kurt suck his cock, until he cum. Baker went back to work on Kurt's balls until he creamed him.

On the Tuesday at dinner time, Kurt wrestled Jones in the care takers shed. He he beat him, as easily, as Jarvis, with a reverse bear hug. A full Nelson and a camel clutch, punishing Jones every time. For Jones forfeit Kurt, decided to use, the small cricket bat, on Jones balls. Jones was held down while Kurt sat astride Jones belly facing his feet. Kurt delivered four hard whacks to Jones cock and balls, making him scream in pain and after, the fourth spunk, in his underpants. Kurt declined Bakers offer to see how painful the small cricket bat was and got his own back on Baker, that evening . They decided to play high low card, the loser having his ball whacked with a slipper. It was a endurance test, to see who could take the most. Baker did well to start with, until the pain became too much to bear and he gave in. Kurt insisted, as forfeit that he would slipper Baker arse. Kurt slippered Bakers buttocks hard making them red and tender, Baker became Kurt's knacker boy for the night. In bed Kurt abused Bakers cock and balls, then made Baker suck him till he cum. Then Kurt wanked Baker draining him dry.

In the care takers shed, at dinner time, on the Wednesday. Kurt wrestled with Poulter. Kurt and Poulter locked arms and shoulders and grappled in test of strength. Kurt being stronger, slowly over came Poulter, until he had Poulter's upper body bent over backwards and helpless. Kurt kneed Poulter's belly three times, dropping Poulter to his knees. He trapped Poulter in a head lock and crushed it, until Poulter's body relaxed. He rolled Poulter onto his belly and applied a double reverse arm stretch, raising Poulter's head and shoulders, off the mat, until he submitted. Kurt freed Poulter's arms and stood up. He stood stride Poulter's legs and stomped his lower back, that was still tender, from the pressure applied, by the reverse arm stretch. When Poulter reached for his aching lower back, Kurt grabbed his arms. Kurt pulled Poulter's arms back, raising his head and shoulders off the mats, pressuring Poulter's tender arms, shoulders and lower back. Kurt placed a foot on Poulter's lower back and began to pull and push, greatly increasing the painful pressure and making, Poulter submit. Kurt dropped Poulter's arms and grab his legs rolling Poulter over, he spread Poulter's legs and stomped his belly hard. He then placed a foot, on the bulge in Poulter's briefs and pressed down until Poulter submitted, for third and last time. Kurt had Poulter dragged up and his arms and legs stretched tight, leaving his body exposed. He then used the old tennis racket and tennis balls, to whack tennis balls, into Poulter's balls. Five hard hits was just too much for Pouter and he cum, in his pants. Much to Kurt's delight and the other members, of the hard knocks club.

That evening at Kurt' suggested they played a German wrestling endurance game, taking turns to pin each other, to see how long they could keep each others shoulders pinned down, during a ten minute window. As it was new to Baker Kurt let him go first. Although he tried very hard, the longest Baker could manage to keep Kurt's shoulders down. was just over a minutes. When Kurt tried his did much better, easily beating Bakers time, managing to keep Bakers shoulders down, for more than four minutes. Although he had won, Kurt did not free Baker from the pin, instead he changed it to a crotch smother, stopping Baker from breathing. He kept it on until Baker, was close to passing out. Then he lay down flat on top of Baker and pressed, his semi stiff cock, into Bakers hard cock. Being smothered had made Baker real hard. Kurt rubbed his cock into Baker's cock, until he made Baker cum, creamed him. Kurt got off Baker and rolled him over. He then removed Bakers and his own briefs and got back on top of Baker. “My turn to cum now?”, Kurt told Baker, as he rubbed his cock, between Bakers bum cheeks, until he cum. Kurt told Baker he usually did this to Meyer then rolled them over and rubbed their cocks together, to make him cum again. However Kurt saved that indignity, until they were in bed. Then underlining his dominance, by making Baker, suck his cock, until he cum.

On Thursday dinner time, Kurt wrestled Richards. Nervous and after seeing Kurt, beat three members of the hard knocks club, all better wrestlers, Richards took up a wrestlers crouch to defend himself. It did not do him any good, Kurt dropped to one knee and grabbed Richards legs, up ending him. Kurt jumped on Richard and battled, to pin him. Richard fought hard and in the end managed to raise his right arm high in the air, to prevent a pin. Undaunted, Kurt changed tactics and used Richards raised arm, against him. He grabbed it with both arms, applying an arm bar and painfully pressuring, it until he made Richards submit. Kurt then got Richards, in a figure four head scissors, making sure he trapped Richards left arm, against his body. Kurt pressured the hold and teased Richards nose. When Richards tried to protect his nose with his right arm Kurt yanked up high, reapplying the arm bar. Once applied Kurt could keep the arm bar on, with one arm, he used his other hand, to grab and squeeze Richards balls. The painful combination hold, ensured a second submission for Kurt. Having weakened and subdued Richards with his first two submissions, Kurt trapped him in a cross knee back breaker, for the third.

Kurt's forfeit for Richards was to have him spread eagle and held like that, while he kicked Richards in the balls from the front and behind. Kurt delivered several hard kicks, to Richards balls. Then started, to deliver with his leg raised, repeated, shorter and softer kicks, to Richards balls. Kurt kept it up, until he made Richards cum in his pants and creamed him. That night in Bakers bedroom, Kurt suggested, a ball busting slipper fight, with a twist, they would both be blind fold. They positioned themselves opposite each other on the bed, so the bulges in the brief were in range of each other slipper. They used pillow cases to blind fold themselves. Finally there would be no defending, so they had to keep their free hand, behind their back. It would be a game of endurance, to see who could take the most ball pain. On the count of three they started, whacking each other balls hard and fast. As the pain and exertion increased, their pace and the intensity, of the ball whacks, lessened. Kurt managed, to out last Baker and win, but only just. Baker was the knacker boy again. Kurt made Baker suck his cock, until he cum, keeping it in Bakers mouth, almost to the last second, so his spunk splattered on Baker's face. Then he mercilessly wanked Bakers cock, milking him dry.

On Friday Kurt's last day at Bakers school, he expected to wrestle Daniels in the dinner time break. But double PE before dinner time, left them no time to do it. Because of PE, there was never a hard knocks club session, on the Friday dinner times. But, as Kurt had to wrestle Daniels, they all went to the care takers shed at the end of school. Kurt trapped Daniels in and arm and head lock and bent him over. He then kneed Daniels body several times, before kneeing his balls. More weakening knees, to the body allowed Kurt to forced Daniels down to the mat. Kurt pressured the head lock and arm bar, until he made Daniels submit. Kurt rolled Daniels over, who was groaning and clutching his balls. Kurt lay on top of Daniels facing his feet. Kurt trapped Daniels in a reverse head scissors. Kurt crushed Daniels trapped head, until he cried out in submission. Kurt changed positions and changed the reverse head scissors, into a head scissors and mercilessly crushed Daniels head with his thighs. Already weakened by the reverse head scissors, Daniels quickly submitted. Kurt delighted crowed and boasted, about beating all six members, of the hard knocks club, easily. Although true, the members of the hard knock club, resented Kurt's arrogance. For Daniels forfeit, Kurt chose to have him bent and stretched over, the old horse, so he could whack his balls and his arse, with a plimsoll.

Daniels was stretched tight, over the old horse, leaving his cock and balls totally exposed. Kurt whacked Daniels balls first, then his cock and he kept on whacking them, alternating, between one and the other, until he had delivered six to each. As Daniels squirmed and moaned in pain, he was turned over and stretched tight again. Kurt the started, to whack Daniels buttocks, delivering six, to each buttock. The stinging whacks, made Daniels buttocks burn and turned them dark red, making the back, of his thin, white briefs look pink. Kurt then let Baker give Daniels, a couple of whacks. Baker eagerly agreed, but before he started Kurt pulled Daniels, briefs down, baring, his red, sore buttocks. It also fully exposed his cock and balls. Daniels cock was very hard and excited, from having his balls whacked and then his arse. In his stretched and prone position, Daniels cock was pressing against, the side of the horse. Baker gave each of Daniels, red burning buttocks, a hard whack. The whacks made his gasp and squirm rubbing his hard and excited cock, into the horse. When Kurt asked if anyone else wanted a go, Jones took the offer, first, followed by the others. Every whack, made Daniels, rub his cock into the horse more, until it got so hard, the foreskin peeled right back. Kurt finished Daniels, with some more whacks and it was just too much, for his cock and he ejaculated, against the horse, to every ones, delight. That made Kurt, crow and boast even more, about beating and creaming them all, it was just too much for them.

Kurt was grabbed and over powered, by the members of the hard knocks club he had his briefs removed and was stretched naked, over the horse. They took turns whacking his cock and balls with the plimsoll, starting with Jones and ending with Daniels. By that time Kurt's cock and balls were both red and very tender, his cock was very hard. He was rolled over and they all took turns, whacking his buttocks, in reverse order, starting with Daniels and ending with Jones. Kurt's cock suffered the same fate as Daniels, rubbed into the horse and peeled, and as Jones whacked his arse, he cum against the horse, like Daniels. That night Kurt was not only still tender from his ordeal, but stiff and weary, as well. Kurt and Baker had one last knacker fight and initially Kurt did very well, despite his condition, but it started to tell in the end. Baker got a submission from Kurt with a single leg Boston and ball crush. Then he pinned and smothered Kurt, who was just too weak to resist. That forced another submission, out of Kurt. Baker stripped Kurt and had fun with his cock and balls, until Kurt was on the brink of ejaculation. He then made Kurt suck his cock, until he cum and splashed his spunk, on Kurt's flushed face returning the favour. Then Baker paid Kurt back, again, by rubbing his cock, between Kurt's bum cheeks, until he cum, between them. Baker got his final revenge, by wanking Kurt's sore tender cock, until he cum, creaming him. More heavy ball busting and cbt action, also wrestling action. painful erotic and horny male on male ball busting action, males punishing each others balls and each others bodies, with wrestling and loving it. 3.00