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Let us know your favourite Manflesh character or theme. Also any new character suggestions, or story lines. Use the contact form below. 

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Check out the new Manflesh Reddit Community Manflesh Comic Books r/manfleshcomicbooks   

for posting of manflesh comic books. Also the chat room to discuss manflesh comic books with other fans and to suggest new story lines and characters. 


Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Manflesh 

Manflesh is one of my favourite artists and I can't resist giving him a more extended review than usual. He draws the most delicious, hunky men in capture and kidnap situations where they are tormented and abused, physically and sexually.


Check out Mitch men tribute the Manflesh and other great fetish artists 




Source of the text and manflesh images posted by Hayden for his part 2 of Hayden's wheels of sisyphus. Hayden's text was used as a basis, for for new manflesh version, of Hayden's wheels of sisiyphus. The aqua dude site also contains more examples of manflesh artwork. Also many other great gay artists. 


Manflesh artwork and comic book page on word press 


Posts of Manflesh artwork and comic book examples on Manflesh word press  


Daddy's Personal Erotic Web Site


The Toon Art of Manflesh 

Daddy's tribute to Manflesh art work 


Manflesh comic book covers and image galleries on Image fap  a good way to  see what Manflesh comic books are available from battle annals. It also features  a gallery of Manflesh comic book covers and artwork from the Barrett Cole site







1 Puyal Adult Fighting Artwork Portfolio No 1. Puyal a Spanish artist and illustrator artist for the now out of print Swish Publications Fighting Girls Monthly and swish magazines. Fans of these magazines may wish to renew their memories of these magazines and Puyal's contribution to them. Excellent for Puyal fans and fans of adult fighting images. It features thirty female v female and female v male boxing and wrestling images by the artist Puyal. 8.00






















2 Puyal Adult Fighting Artwork Portfolio No 2. Puyal a Spanish artist and illustrator artist for the now out of print Swish Publications Fighting Girls Monthly and swish magazines. Fans of these magazines may wish to renew their memories of these magazines and Puyal's contribution to them. Excellent for Puyal fans and fans of adult fighting images. It features another thirty female v female and female v male boxing and wrestling images by the artist Puyal. 8.00
























3 Puyal Adult Domination Artwork Portfolio No 3. Puyal a Spanish artist and illustrator artist for the now out of print Swish Publication Domination magazine Madame Fans of this magazine may wish to renew their memories of this magazine and Puyal's contribution to it. Excellent for Puyal fans and fans of adult domination images. It features thirty female on male and female on female domination images by the artist Puyal. 8.00